Sprint 2 was a bit more organized than sprint 1. We had a better idea of what we were supposed to do, and we worked on our communications between the teams. The different teams were able to continue working, using the work from the design team. The PR team also started posting on an Instagram account. Below you'll see some of the results of this sprint.
One of the things the design team worked on are the encounter maps and creating the main level. Below you'll find some maps they've created. First the general map. The images below are zoomed in parts of the general map.
Art's main focus this sprint was on 3D models, especially the characters. They continued working on the player character and started working on an enemy character. They also continued working on the environment. They were able to make multiple 3D models that were also integrated into the game. They're visible in the demo. Below you'll see some of the sketches.
An enemy character was created this sprint. It is based on the Polish mythical creature bies. The sketches above were made as well as a 3D model.
The art team continued working on the player character. There were some sketches made last sprint, and they continued working on them. Above you'll see the character gain more details. They also made a 3D model of the base of the character will be improved later on.
Our sound team started making concept sounds for the game this sprint. Sadly, far from everything got integrated. here are two sounds they've made. One is wind blowing, one of the environment sounds. They've also made a sound for the cauldron. The cauldron is will be a sort of save haven for the player. This sound was integrated!
The programming team worked on a multitude of functionalities. One group worked on the enemy behavior for a ranged and melee enemy. Another group continued with working on the inventory system. They added a recipe book for example. Then there were people who worked on the attacking mechanics. Now you can throw potions at enemies and push enemies away from you.
The video is the demo that was made during this sprint. You can watch it completely or skip through it by clicking on the functionalities on the side
And lastly, the PR team have also started working on various things. They started posting on The Divine Bane Instagram account. The first post is visible here. Besides that they've done some interviews that will be edited into a small documentary series that will be posted on YouTube. They also started working on this very website!
Don't worry too much about the frog. We just wanted people to follow our Instagram.. are you following yet?