Merry frogmas! - image of a melee enemy with a christmas hat surrounded by trees with christmas balls and a cauldron

Sprint 3

We decided to do sprint 3 a little different. We started working in feature teams. Every team would be responsible for one part of the game during the sprint. The teams that we made are: combat, crafting and movement. The combat team added damage to the game, meaning that the first enemy was killed and the first player death happend. They were also responsible for adding the enemy animations. The crafting team further worked on the inventory and the ability to craft potions with the minigame. The movement team worked on improving the movement of the player, as well as adding scene transitions and shaders! Below, we'll keep the same structure as the previous sprints, especially since there were some people who weren't on one team. This way, everyone can see what everyone did during this sprint. But first a quick comparison to sprint 2. We showed a comparison between the result of sprint 2 versus sprint 3 during the presentation, and the difference was cool to see!

Screenshot of the demo of sprint 2
Screenshot of the demo of sprint 3


This sprint the design team's main focus was integration and creating the level in Unity. The demo video of this sprint will include a walk through of the level, so you can see the progress there. The team also continued making design decisions like how it's visible when a player or enemy gets hurt.


The art team delivered a lot of work this sprint. From enemy animations to more environment models. Overall a lot of models were made such as the flowers, graves and Morena puppet for the puzzle that's being made next sprint. The frogs also got an actual frog body now! (This wasn't implemented just yet, but the model was made). The team also continued working on the inventory. Here is an image of the inventory with some reference items in it. And we got a skybox! This makes the game seem so much more put together.

We've told you this before, ignore the knife!

The frog model with a knife.
The new art for the inventory
A screenshot of the game that shows the skybox.


An idle animation of the melee enemy

Idle walk

An idle walk animation of the melee enemy

Hostile walk

A hostile walk animation of the melee enemy

Melee attack

An attack animation of the melee enemy


The sound team has been working very hard on creating all the sounds. They started doing auditions for the voice acting in the game as well as continuously recording and editing environment sounds and sound effects. You can listen to some of them below!

Enemy growl - long

Enemy growl - short

Page flip

Opening a note


The programming team made a lot of progress as well! The list of features is getting longer. There's also a Easter Christmas egg in the game! Like usual, click the buttons to see the features. It is however an entire walk through of the game and the design team worked hard on making the scenes, so make sure to appreciate the scenery as well!


The pr team worked on numerous things. They planned a small Christmas party for both this company and End of File Studio, which is the other company in this minor that's making a game. Make sure to check them out! Besides that, they worked on hoodies and stickers for the company and this website was finished up & published! The pictures of the different teams were taken this sprint and are visible on the home page. They also had a meeting with an external consultant and posted a Christmas post :)