The last sprint of this project! There might be some bugfixes and finishing touches next week, but the game was presented this Terrible Thursday. The game will be released on the 23rd of January 2025, just before an Expo at the HAN where we'll allow people to play the game for the first time. This sprint we've worked on numerous things, such as a cutscene, the main quest and further combat! There won't be a demo at the bottom, because we want you to play it yourself. Starting January 23rd, the game will be available for download on here! Hope you enjoy :)
It's the last sprint, but that doesn't mean that the design team didn't have anything to do. They tested the game and let other people test the game to find bugs and general things that could be improved. They also still worked on some new features as well. The win state of the game hadn't been made, for example, as well as parts of the main quest. The design team was also responsible for adding the end credits to the game.
The art team still had tons to do as well. A new starting screen was made (see the image at the top!) as well as a death screen. And we finally got some player animations! The art team also worked on improving the HUD. The health & mana bar got a much-needed new look as well as the hot bar. There is also an icon on the bottom left to show the player they have a vine spell! The recipe book also got an upgrade :)
The sound team spend a lot of time on voice acting this sprint. They had already let people audition last sprint, so this sprint they could focus on actually recording and editing the voices. They were serious most of the time, but they also had some fun.
This sprint, we won't show a full demo of the game. That would spoil the fun. However, they've done a lot of work this last sprint as well. Below are some examples :)
We still needed to add some tutorialization to the game. The player has to know how to do the things that they're able to do. We added a tutorial level for this where 'Vlad', a lovely frog, explains some of the game's basic functions.
A game isn't complete without its main quest. The player will be subjected to a puzzle to finish the game. Morena, the Goddess of death and winter, wants the graves before to be put to rest. The player will need to find the correct flowers and plant them by the grave.
Something also needs to happen when the player finishes the game. They should get a reward and their environment will change. This still needed to be made as well.
The player is able to fight the hostile creatures in the woods with potions as we've seen in previous sprints. The player is also able to cast a spell, which hadn't been completely implemented yet.
To make throwing a little easier, an aiming line was added. The player is now able to see where they're throwing when in aiming mode.
There were still some bugs in the game that needed to be fixed. For example: two slots in the hot bar didn't work, inventory bugs such as items not placing in a slot correctly and a bug that involves a running flower:
And they also did a lot of integration. They added a bunch of sounds and voice acting from the sound team, as well as new art and a cutscene! There were also some design changes that the programming team had to implement. One of which was that the player now has a filled in recipe book, instead of an empty one.
The pr team worked on merch this sprint :) They made stickers as well as hoodies. There was a popular request for custom plushies, sadly, they weren't able to get those, so instead they printed some frogs! They also have some posts planned for the week of the release of the game.
Robin did some cool things that we can show as well this sprint! They've made a flyer for the release of the game and they made the cutscene